
Tesla (UK) Ltd

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Expansion Vessel Service Valve

Model No. & Description

The Expansion Vessel Service Valve is designed for use in heating and cooling systems, particularly in closed-loop systems like boilers or heating systems. It allows for maintenance or servicing of the expansion vessel, which is a crucial part of the system that helps maintain pressure levels within the system as water heats up and expands.

The EVSV is connected to the expansion vessel and allows engineers to isolate the vessel from the rest of the system when maintenance is required. This might involve checking or adjusting the pressure within the vessel, replacing the vessel, or performing other maintenance tasks.

The EVSV ensures that the expansion vessel can be properly maintained and serviced without disrupting the operation of the entire heating or cooling system.

• Isolate without having to drain down the whole system
• No need to add inhibitor back into the system
• Allows the vessel to be isolated and drained for essential periodic servicing and re-charging
• Shut off and drain, for membrane expansion vessels in sealed heating and cooling systems
• Protected shut/open facility against inadvertent closing
• Anti-tamper lever
• Drain vessel contents according to EN 12828
• Can be used in conjunction with the Tesla Sealed System Installation Kit (EVCKIT)
• Supplied with washer and locking wire
• Swivel nut for ease of installation
• Includes swivel drain off

Tesla Expansion Vessel Service Valve

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